Tree planting

Tree planting in Järvselja

Järvselja Forest Research Centre is a part of the Estonian University of Life Sciences and our scientists carry out their research and students do their practical training there. Altogether, there is over 10 thousand hectars of forest there and the Järvselja primary forest is the oldest forest reserve area in Estonia. We are very happy to share this place with the participants of our training on Wednesday, June 12th. We will plant trees to contribute a little bit to offsetting the effect that our event has on the environment. 


The plan for the day is as follows: 


9.00 - bus from Tallinn to Tartu

11.30 - possible for those who are already in Tartu to join us on the bus - meeting place Vabaduse puiestee bus stop on the side of the old town

12.30 - 17.00 - programme at Järvselja Forest research centre (lunch, overview of the centre and their activities, tree planting)

17.00 - bus back to Tartu 

19.00 - opening reception at Ülikooli cafe